Monday, December 21, 2009

Time to start blogging...

You would think for a family centered in technology (among other things), we would've had a blog going years ago.  However, with all the junk out there, we just decided it wasn't worth adding to all the pollution...until now.  Simply put, there's just too much going on in our lives not to share our thoughts, feelings, and all of the craziness that we enjoy as a family.  Soooo....we started this blog to replace our family newsletter.  We hope you all enjoy the pictures, stories, and goodness that comes along with The Strattons Domain blog site.  And if you don't, well then - don't read.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Yahoo!! Congrats Strattons! You guys do so much it will be fun to keep tabs on your life here! Merry Christmas!

    The Lowes
